jueves, 2 de agosto de 2018

A Country I would like to visit

  South Korea 

Me and my boyfriend in a korean restaurant
For be honest I would like travel all arround the world but recently I'm obsessed with Republic of Korea or South Korea because I have seen a lot of K-dramas(I'm a dramatic person) and listen a few of K-pop xd with that, I met many thing like the culture, education system (they go to school more than 8 hours also they can give his equivalent to PSU only once in a livetime!) and the food, a few months ago I went to a Korean restaurant, the food is so spicy but I love it. that's why I would like to visit this country 

Resultado de imagen para busan temple beomeosa lights
Busan Temple

If I go to South Korea I will go in winter, the weater is amazing (I like the cold), I will visit the capital that is Seoul and the places where my favorites K-dramas were recorded, obviously I have to eat all the food that I can and learn how do it, also I will visit all the temples in Busan (is a beautiful city too) like a beomeosa temple, and for the young night I have to visit Hongdae.

I would like live there beacuse is a new and so different culture, in this country things like water, aducation and health isn't a privilege like in Chile; I really like study there beacuse the request and quality is so high and I like that, I think that is a very good country to live even when the people is so crazy and stranger.
Resultado de imagen para seoul in winter
Seoul in winter 

martes, 24 de julio de 2018

Continuous Assessment

Activity 1.- Go to PETS 101> Dog Breed Selector  > Find your Perfect Breed.

1.1 Respond to the 10 questions in this section. According to your results, what is your favorite dog breed's name? Irish Water Spaniel 

1.2 Vocabulary Activity: These words appear in the dog breed questionnaire above. Look up the meanings AND add 5 more words that you don't know from the same questionnaire.

example: sprinter: (a dog) that can run very fast in short distances (velocista)
jogger: (a dog) that can run a long distance (trotador)
breed: synonymous of type or race of the animals (raza)
to hunt: (a dog) that kill for food (cazador)
watchdog: a dog that is protective with his human, house etc(perro guardian)
grooming: (in this context) it refers a dog hygiene (cuidado, aseo)
1.friendliness: (a dog) that can be frienly with others animals (simpatia)
2.rudder: (in this context) it refers that tails of this breed is guide in the water
3.lifespan: is the approximate life time, how much can live (timón)
4.commands: (in this context) it refers to the control and rol that the human fulfills (mando,orden)
5.roommates: (in this context) it refers in a life partner (compañero de cuarto)

> Activity 2.- Select 3 SHOWS that attract your attention. In two lines for each show, tell me why you want to watch these shows.

Show 1: Dr. Jeff: Rocky mountain vet, I love this show because dr. jeff is a very good vet, and he is so skillful, also he is able to heal all the breed of animals like a cat, horses a fox etc.

Show 2: The Vet Life. This show attract my attention because show me how is the life of a vet, the professional and personal life,  and it can serve me for the future.

Show 3: Dodo Heroes attract my attencion because is a new show about animals in need from all arround the world, and it seems that the sow is about exotic animals  and I like this area.

jueves, 12 de julio de 2018

favorite artist

Ed Sheeran 

It's so hard to choose only one band or singer, but I choose Ed Sheeran even when the only concert that I've gone is of 5 seconds of summer.

Who is Ed Sheeran? He is a english singer, songwriter, guitarist, rapper, record reproducer and actor; He play pop, folk pop and hip hop

I knew him when he do the video of lego house, in this video the protagonist is Rupert Grint, and I like Harry Potter's films xd, and other reason is because he write a song of one direction and when I was a child I love one direction.

I like his music beacuse his songs are so cute and romantics, he has whit mixes of rhythm, some include rap and/or a guitar solo, It's so cool.

My favorite song is Perfect that has three versions the original, one with Beyonce and another with Andrea Bocelli, is very romantic song, has a beutiful lyrics and a cute video. To me the lyrics let me know how is the "right" way to love. 

jueves, 5 de julio de 2018

My Life's Main Events

 March 2000
La imagen puede contener: 1 persona, sentado y niños
me at 2 years 

I was born on march 3rd in La Serena, i'm the first-born of my parents, I don't remember my chilhood, so... I don't have much to say.


I started a relationship with my partner, my best friend and my enemy xd

Now we have been together for 4 years, we accompanied each other in our difficult times and the happy ones, both of us came to study in Santiago so we did not feel so alone in this big city,I'm so happy whit him but we don't see each other much because he also studies in Universidad de Chile but in the faculty of engineering.

December 2016
  Me and all my sisters and my only brother

Since my parents separated I never went for christmas to my dad's house, but on 2016 me and my sister went; was the first christmas that we were together. was so diffent but we were so happy.


 February  2016

On December 29th ,2015 was born my little princess Nita, in my dad's house, she was te most wrinkled, so I decided take it home like a "birthday gift", because my mom didn't want me to have another pet; then without her knowing I took Nita home and raised her inside it. Nita was alone all the day and she waited for me to come house from the school to take her out to do her needs, she never do it into the house.

April 2016
La imagen puede contener: texto

When Nita has 4 months she was stolen from my garden, my dad, his wife and my boyfriend never stopped looking her, we was so sad, but after one month  I was in my house and my dad called to take me and my sister for his house, Nita was there, my dad find her with a man and after a long "battle" the police they decided to give it to my dad because she recognized him. Nita was so sick but kept going.

February 2017
La imagen puede contener: 1 persona, sonriendo, sentado, tabla, bebida e interior
my dad 

I decided go to live with my dad, the reasons...i prefer don't remember it, but was a wonderfull year living there
I reaffirmed the relationship with my sisters (and my litle brother) who live with my dad, but I also missed so much my sister who lives with my mom.
Now I miss all my family  

March 2018
After doing the PSU I had a vocational crisis, my parents did not want that I study in Santiago, no one wanted to that I leave La Serena.
All my friends told me to study veterinary medicine because in fact I had always wanted to do it

It was very difficult to leave my house and come to a new city, but I'm not alone and the friends that I have here are wonderfull 

martes, 17 de abril de 2018


Adorable Otters

Otters are so cute, that they go to sleep holding hands with another otter because they sleep on their backs and float around in water and so that they don’t lose their loved one, they sleep holding hands with each other.
I love it, ¡It’s so romantic! Jajaja xD

Father and Son Lions
Almost all people talk about love and connection between mother and son, but I think that the dad can give us te same love and protection. It’s an amazing phoography, it was taken at the right time to show the love of family in the lions.

The Polar Bear
the polar bear's habitatis more vulnerable to global warming than many other species. Polar bears live mainly on the sea ice in the Arctic. This is where they hunt for fish and build up fat reserves. When the ice melts many polar bears move to land and live off their stored fat. It’s our fault that the polar bear is in danger of extinction. Please make a change!

martes, 10 de abril de 2018

What's your opinion?

What is your opinion about recycling?

I think that recycling is a very good idea to help the world but isn't enough, we have to use the 3 R (reduce, reuse and recycle). We have to be able to repair the demage that we provoke, we have to be aware and know the right way of recycling. Is our work save the world.

What is your opinion about  climate change?

Resultado de imagen para climate change
That I said before the humanity provoke the climate change, all that we do affect the world. I think that the people isn’t aware. While it is true there are campaigns to calm the climate change, but I think that we aren’t work together, while some of us are recycling, using paper and cloth bags, etc other do nothing. Please be aware

What is your opinion about Immigration?

Resultado de imagen para immigrantsI think that inmigration is a great cultural contribution, like in the food, music, language etc. But we have to be welcoming, kind and we have to help the inmigrants because most of them come to Chile to have a better life.

What is your opinion about violence on television?
Imagen relacionada
I am tired to watch all the day news of thefts, deaths and violence in the tv. Nowadays all the childrens watch TV, but this news and videos also is in the celphone, I think that we never stop to wacth violence, and we grow in this enviroment.

martes, 3 de abril de 2018

Welcome to my life

Hi, my name is Javiera Barrera I was born in La Serena, Chile on March 3rd ,2000. At elementary school and high school I studied at Colegio San Francisco Coll in La Serena. Nowadays I live in Santiago centro with my boyfriend💕, we both are study at Universidad de Chile but I study Veterinary Medicine and he in the Faculty of Physical Science and Mathematics.

My parents are divorced, but I have a very large family, including "half" sisters and my dad's wife, i have four sisters and one little brother, I am the oldest, we have five dogs at my dad's house (la serena) two bull terriers, two Shar peis and a dachshund, the most importat for me is my pet Nita😍 it's a Shar Pei.

Lately I don't have time to do my hobbies, but i like the music, i love sing (although i don't sing well), draw and paint with oil.

Here you can see a few pictures
my family 
4 years together 

This is a little part of my life

A Country I would like to visit

  South Korea  Me and my boyfriend in a korean restaurant For be honest I would like travel all arround the world but recently I...